Darsco Plumbing Supply

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The Rodrunner offers all the features that contractors like in a sectional sewer cleaner – light weight, high speed cable rotation, and short quick-coupling cables.

Two Way Operation

Most often, you set the Rodrunner up close to the drain opening. However, on easier jobs where you have some working room, you can run the machine “lawn-mower” fashion, standing behind the machine.


For close-up work, the wheel brake is set, the power switch is placed next to the machine to be used as a foot switch, and the cable guide hose is attached. Now, the Rodrunner is ready to handle the toughest stoppages in 3-10" lines, as far as 200 feet away.

A heavy-duty 3/4 hp motor with capacitor and overload protection spins cable at 485 rpm, an ideal speed for self-feeding into the line while protecting the cable against sudden torque build-ups. For additional protection, the Rodrunner has an adjustable slip clutch, which is factory set at 18-20 ft. lbs.

An optional set of jaws (R-R10AD) enables the Rodrunner to drive 15 ft. x 7/8" (15R10) cables to clear smaller line

Monday-Friday 07:30AM - 4:30PM

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